Monday, May 6, 2013

May Planting

Weather here was HOT HOT HOT this weekend. We hit 80 and that is freakishly unheard of in Seattle. I got a bit of a late start both Saturday and Sunday so I only had an hour or two in the garden before it got too hot to be outside, but I got quite a bit done.

I've been hardening off most of the plants this week in preparation for the weekend heat wave.  On Saturday all of the peppers and tomatillos got new homes that were appropriately sized. Of course I ran out of pots halfway through and made a mad dash around the inside and outside of my house trying to find pots that were big enough but not too huge. They all look much happier now.

Sunday I did some planting. Silly Robyn, planting six tomatoes gave me six pots that I could have used for the peppers! Ugh. Poor planning.

I planted two Sungold, two Saucy, 1 Purple Calabash, and 1 Nova tomato. I have one open spot left to fill with an Indigo Rose, but the two plants were still kind of small and spindly, so they're going to stay inside for another week before planting.  Marigolds got placed between front row of tomatoes, and some Kong 12 foot sunflower seeds were planted between the back tomatoes. I also managed to squeeze in three of my basil starts diagonally between the tomatoes (one each of Aroma, Cinnamon, and Amethyst).  And I still had space to plant some lettuce seeds! Fingers crossed the birds won't eat all the seeds in before they can germinate. I only have three little lettuce guys that are 1 inch tall, the rest have been picked off.

I waited until Sunday evening when the heat started to wane to work on the north bed. The radishes are starting to plump up and I'm super excited. I ran some twine through last year's pea trellis and planted beans along half the length. It might be a bit early, but this weather is supposed to continue through the week, so I'm hoping they make it. I also planted a Black Beauty Zucchini and a Golden Zucchini that I started inside that just sprouted, one on either side of the bamboo trellis. I tried to hill three cucumber seeds at each corner of the bamboo teepee, but I haven't had any luck with cucumbers so far, so we'll see.

There are still a few kale and chard plants from last fall's planting to pull up.  I have butternut and delicata squash seeds sprouting inside that are destined to live here. And maybe a few cosmos to draw in the pollinators will go along the fence.

And lastly, the carrots and radishes beside/below the bird feeder are starting to come up. Do birds like radishes? Dunno about the chickedees, but this Robyn certainly does.

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